Grant funding for SWIC in Phase 1 (which ended in July 20) enabled consideration of emissions-reduction opportunities, which will now be further analysed through Phase 2 – all will contribute to the UK and Wales’ journey to net zero by 2050. 

Led by Costain, SWIC Phase 2 Deployment Project (which started in March 21) will identify options to reduce carbon emissions by:
- Hydrogen production and use
- Carbon Capture and Utilisation
- Transport and utilities networks to enable the above 
- Changing Industrial Processes

Why is SWIC important?

South Wales is the second biggest industrial and power emitter of carbon in the UK, with over 16m tonnes of CO2e per annum but around 90% of those emissions are produced by 3 companies – all of which are involved in SWIC

SWIC’s activities for industrial decarbonisation are currently focused on 2 streams of work – the Deployment Project and Cluster Plan.

SWIC (Deployment) in Numbers

  • Funding from UK Government Business, Enterprise and Innovation Department, via Innovate UK, with Match Funding from industrial partners
  • Total Contract Value: £37.6m (including Match Funding)
  • Overall Duration of the Project: 36 months
  • SWIC Deployment Phase will cover feasibility and engineering design studies, leading to financial investment decisions – the first project should be completed in 2025
  • If all SWIC Deployment Projects are fully implemented, this will require an investment of over £3.5bn in South Wales

Deployment News

South Wales Industrial Cluster reaches 1st year milestone!    

   27th April 2022

Download 'A Year In The Life' File

The South Wales Industrial Cluster (SWIC) was formed in 2019, to help plan and shape a route to net zero for industries in South Wales. Within SWIC, there are two main projects – the Cluster Plan and the Deployment Project. 

• The Cluster Plan involves 30 partners, exploring the feasibility of decarbonisation proposals and development of a circular, restorative economy. (CR Plus)

• The Deployment Project involves 17 partners working on feasibility studies for specific projects that will reduce emissions. (Costain Group PLC)


Year 1 milestone for the Deployment Project


It’s no mean feat for 17 major companies, each with their own corporate processes and identities, to integrate and work effectively, but this has happened at SWIC... and the results are already starting to show.  We have created this collaborative document to showcase the progress made in our first year and highlight the partners involved and their areas of expertise.


Moving forwards


To continue to support Welsh Government in its pan Wales objectives, Net Zero Industry Wales (NZIW) has been created to further support SWIC. NZIW will sit underneath Industry Wales and alongside existing forums such as Welsh Automotive Forum, Aerospace Wales and Technology Connected. 

As more clusters may be developed elsewhere in Wales, they will also sit underneath NZIW, alongside SWIC. 

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